Friday, August 3, 2018

29A – Venture Concept No. 2

         The opportunity came to my attention when I would frequently set my alarm before bed, and always worry or be concerned as to whether I would be waking up on time. Then, as I went through life I realize that other students or young people, or even adults, have the same problem that I do. When I was thinking of the bugs list in this class, it came to my attention that one of the things that bugs me the most is waking up on time. I realized that there was an opportunity there to make waking up easier for people. I looked at the existing options that we have to wake ourselves up on time. And they all seem to be the same ones. A simple alarm clock that you set a time before bed and expect it to make noise in the morning waking you up. However, many people have to hope that this device wakes them up on time, many people have a very deep sleep that they experience during the night, and sometimes the deep state of slumber occurs in the morning hours. When this happens the sound of the alarm is not strong enough to wake you up. Another flaw in the current device that we use is that sometimes, it doesn’t always work either the time is incorrect or the alarm doesn’t go off at all. Sometimes, this is just a malfunctioning error, and its something that can cost people many opportunities. A third flaw with the current system is the fact that there is a snooze option, this gives a person the ability to stop the alarm, and not wake up. Sometimes people hit snooze for hours. Throughout all this, I have seen an opportunity to make people ‘s lives better and creating a new way of waking people up. The demographic that this widely those in the younger generation possibly going to high school, college, or new to the workforce. These are the people that are not as experienced and waking up early in the morning, and also have less sleep at night due to their social or academic activities. This is my target market for this product, I think that these people would find the most useful in this product. Customers are currently satisfying as needed by using the current products that are on the market. I interviewed many people throughout this class and all of them told me that the current alarm systems that they are using sometimes don’t always wake them up properly. They’re not loyal to what these current products are now, from the sample size in the interview, they’re looking for another alternative to their current products. Based on the interviews and research that I have conducted I’ve determined that this opportunity is fairly large and the window of opportunity will be open until someone fills it with the product such as the one I created. The product that I have, uses vibrations along with sound to make the person rise up in the morning. This new alarm system would not have a snooze technique, or just be one dimensional. There would be vibrations and noises to wake the consumer. Because of all of this, I believe that the customers will switch to this product, or at least give it a try because as my not many of the interviewers told me they have nothing to lose at this point. The competitors are the companies who are manufacturers and create alarm clocks however they are largely the same, and that the alarm clocks only have different features on and do not include assisting the consumer personally. They may have outlets that are charging cords, but not another way to wake the person. The competitors in this market are all the other alarm clock makers who are working to find innovative way to wake people up, to find a way to wake people up that has not been exploited before, and so the competition in this market is vast, I believe that this product has the potential to compete hand-in-hand with these competitors. The role of packaging in price points does play into this product however the biggest thing in this particular product would be the uniqueness of it obviously I would need pricing to be an affordable cost somewhere around below $100 because I am targeting a group that is not necessarily wealthy it is a younger age group, therefore, they do not possess the financial stability of those in the higher age group the employees of this company would be a large amount due to the fact that this product would have to be constantly manufactured on a daily basis. I also believe that the public relations and the marketing aspect in a product like this would be critical to having it succeed. Because I am aware that people are looking for this kind of product but if they are unaware that it is out there, then there would be no success in the business if I cannot exploit the consumers that I know are there.
            The feedback that I got from the what’s next exercise was very positive and supportive of this product. The comments that I received were generally positive, but told me to appease more to the market I am targeting and explain more about why the current products out there do not provide the need. So this is the information that I added this time around.

Image result for someone waking up out of bed

30A – Final Reflection

  Final Reflection:
     The most formative experience was definitely the first time that I conducted interviews with my target market. I had never really interviewed people in regards to a product so it was an interesting thing to do. I had to get comfortable with it, so the first couple of times was a little bit shaky. I’ll definitely remember this for years because it was such a unique of an experience and a first for me. It opened me up more to talking with total strangers about different things. I probably enjoyed the elevator pitches the most just because it was funny looking back and watching them as I tried to make them perfect. I am most proud of accomplishing the elevator pitches and make them, in my opinion, a quality pitch after multiple different attempts. Now that the semester is over, I definitely feel like I have developed the mindset of an entrepreneur. I am passionate about my product and I want to make it work. I also view failure differently, more of an entrepreneurial way of viewing it. All around, I certainly have developed a new entrepreneurial mindset and do look at businesses and problems differently. For future students, I would recommend that they shouldn’t scroll through all of the canvas assignments at the beginning of the semester because it can be overwhelming. They should take this class week-by-week because that is a good way to focus on each assignment. I would recommend that they really think of a good product in the beginning of the course because that will set the tone for all of their assignments in the course. If they choose a product or business that really can’t be developed, then they might struggle with some of the assignments. I think they should get into the mindset of going out in their everyday life and looking at problems or things that can be improved and think of ways to improve them. That is how I got into the thinking of this class and in an entrepreneurial mindset.     

Image result for task completedImage result for man throwing papers in the air

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Free Money

I am going to go up to people at the gym or jogging in public, wherever it is they have to be working out. I am going to award people dollar bills for waking up early in the morning and working on their physical fitness. All of my winners will be selected early in the morning so that it shows even more dedication to physical fitness and improving themselves. To get the conversation started, I am going to ask them if I could record them for a social experiment, and then I will tell them that I am awarding people money for getting up early in the morning and working on their physical fitness. Of course, I am first going to ask if they mind participating and being recorded. My plan for the conversation is that after I tell them about the social experiment, I will simply ask them to accept my dollar bill as a reward for their effort to better themselves.  If I attempt this 5 times I think that I will be able to give away 3 of them. To simulate the interruption part, they will be either be running/walking or with headphones in so I will have to interrupt their task or what they are doing. 

My reflection for this exercise overall was it was actually harder than I thought it would be. I had asked one person who said no which is why in the first video I was happy at the end because that was my first taker! My predictions were slightly pessimistic because out of the first 5, 4 people actually accepted the money which certainly surprised me. It is possible that was because it was with a younger target group and they accept money easier than older adults. I thought people would definitely be less tempted to take the money but these people who were working out seemed pleasantly shocked and willing to help. I also think they wanted to get back to their exercise and took the money so they could do just that. I do think they appreciated the gesture and what I was awarding them for doing.