Friday, August 3, 2018

30A – Final Reflection

  Final Reflection:
     The most formative experience was definitely the first time that I conducted interviews with my target market. I had never really interviewed people in regards to a product so it was an interesting thing to do. I had to get comfortable with it, so the first couple of times was a little bit shaky. I’ll definitely remember this for years because it was such a unique of an experience and a first for me. It opened me up more to talking with total strangers about different things. I probably enjoyed the elevator pitches the most just because it was funny looking back and watching them as I tried to make them perfect. I am most proud of accomplishing the elevator pitches and make them, in my opinion, a quality pitch after multiple different attempts. Now that the semester is over, I definitely feel like I have developed the mindset of an entrepreneur. I am passionate about my product and I want to make it work. I also view failure differently, more of an entrepreneurial way of viewing it. All around, I certainly have developed a new entrepreneurial mindset and do look at businesses and problems differently. For future students, I would recommend that they shouldn’t scroll through all of the canvas assignments at the beginning of the semester because it can be overwhelming. They should take this class week-by-week because that is a good way to focus on each assignment. I would recommend that they really think of a good product in the beginning of the course because that will set the tone for all of their assignments in the course. If they choose a product or business that really can’t be developed, then they might struggle with some of the assignments. I think they should get into the mindset of going out in their everyday life and looking at problems or things that can be improved and think of ways to improve them. That is how I got into the thinking of this class and in an entrepreneurial mindset.     

Image result for task completedImage result for man throwing papers in the air

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