Friday, June 15, 2018

13A – Reading Reflection No. 1

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

1. a. What surprised me the most was the sheer creativeness that Jobs used in being able to create the first Apple computer.
    b. I most admire Jobs' large-scale thinking in taking a product that he and his friends created and making into more than just a computer, but an empire.
    c. The thing that I least admire was probably the fact that at one point he resigned from Apple. I think that as a company that he created with his own two hands, he should not have been so quick to leave it and should've fought harder to stay with the company.
   d. All entrepreneurs experience adversity of failure at one time or another and Jobs was no exception. He faced huge adversity when the board wanted to remove Jobs from the Macintosh Group. I think that this was huge adversity as this was being pushed out by his very own company.

2. The things that Jobs did well was nothing short of amazing. I think that his creativeness was one of the biggest things that I noticed. I also think that he was a really great businessman because many people can develop products but not run a business effectively, Jobs was able to do both and that was a huge competency in my mind.

3. It was confusing as to why his company tried to make him leave in the 1980's after his company became a huge success. I have heard this happening before with other executives but it was still confusing to me as to why they would think that was a good idea.

4. I would ask, 1. What gave you the idea to start creating something that had never been thought of before? 2. What enabled you to see this unmet need by the public that they seemingly didn't even know that they had.

5. I think that his opinion of hard work was that it would be lead to money and success in the end. I think that is a good opinion to have and would like to share that opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jacob!
    I found it interesting reading your reflection because I didn't know that Steve Jobs had at one point resigned from Apple, it is a bit confusing to me why someone would take a step back from something they worked so hard to create. It also surprised me that at one point the company tried to push Jobs out, especially because it was his creativity that started something so innovative and successful. There's no question that without Jobs' efforts, technology would be very different than it is today, he definitely pushed for innovation and inspired many others to do the same.
