Friday, June 1, 2018

5A – Identifying Local Opportunities

Title: From Truckers to CEOs. here's what Tampa Bay Earns
This article talked about the economic status of the Tampa Bay area. It talks about individual people rather than just raw numbers, showing what they do and how much they make doing it. It gives an outlook on what businesses people make the most money in around the area and what fields people are struggling in as well. The problem that I found was presented in part of the story where an artist from St. Petersburgh was talking about all of the opportunity for artwork growth there and how he was not interested in it for so many years but the city brought it back to him. I think that there may be a problem that could be targeted at younger adults, which make up the majority of the St.Pete population, in regards to expressiveness and a creative environment. I think young residents of this city want to express themselves in ways the city does not and maybe there is a solution for them that I come up with.

Title: Tampa Bay area ranked 10th most vulnerable U.S. metro to cybersecurity threats
This article talked about the growing concern of cybersecurity threats within the United States, but specifically from my home are- Tampa Bay. The article revealed that Tampa is the 10th most vulnerable city in the U.S when it comes to cyber attacks. The article talks about how some residents go on high-risk sites. It says Tampa is also at risk more because of their high amount of defense and financial services firms. This is an obvious problem as people need to be able to trust the internet when they go online to look at normal, or important personal information. This is a problem that needs to be solved and poses a large opportunity because it targets everyone in the Tampa Bay area. This problem of being at risk of a cyber attack is something that is very troubling to everyone in this area.

Title: Nearly 460,000 Tampa Bay homes at risk for storm surge damage
This article talks about how so many Tampa Bay homes are in dangerous areas and are in danger of being flooded or washed away during a storm surge. Because the area is already near or below sea level, along with Pinellas county being surrounded by water, there is a huge threat to homes in this area. Especially during hurricane season. This is a big problem because people need to be able to live in peace and not have to worry about their homes being swept away from water. The people who this problem impact is everyone who's home is at risk for the storm surge.

Title: Republic Services admits poor garbage service in Hernando County, pays fine
This article talks about the lackluster garbage service in this county, but also in other areas of Tampa Bay that don't have to pay a fine. The garbage problem in an ongoing one as it involved bad service, slow service, or just not picking up the proper amount or any trash at all. This is a problem that is obviously in dire need of being corrected or changed altogether. There is an opportunity there because since this problem impacts everyone in this area, the residents may be in favor of having a new method to their trash and waste problems.

Title: Big Recycling Trucks Big Problem for St. Petersburgh
This article talks about how the recycling trucks in St. Petersburgh are not good for the roadways and neighborhoods. The majority of the roads in St. Pete are small and narrow so trash pick up may be done by neighborhood dumpsters in smaller areas and the recycling trucks have to go to individual houses. This is a problem because revyvling is very important to the country and planet and it needs to be encouraged and maintained in every way possible. This is an oppurtunity targeting the problem that all the St. Pete residents have in easily and correctly recycling their recyclable materials.

1 comment:

  1. In the new time period of the millennials, there is a sudden rise for appreciation of art and local communities are using such markets to bring more people to the cities to create an urban art revivalist community. This can create an economic surge as well as restructure a community. I think art walks that promote local artists is a good way to connect communities and encourage local entrepreneurs.
