Friday, June 1, 2018

6A – Identifying Opportunities in Economic & Regulatory Trends

1. Economic Opportunity- Unemployment
2a. Found on Tampa Bay Times website
b. I believe there is an opportunity because the article states that unemployment is currently at an 18-year low. This presents an opportunity to employ people in an effort to kick-start a business and the economy. This may be a very good time to start a business because of all the people looking to be employed.
c. The customers that would like this opportunity would be those who would be interested in the business that has been created along with those who feel very passionately about unemployment. If a company was employed completely by people who were unemployed, I think it would be very attractive to the average American consumer to be a customer of this business.
d. This particular idea may be hard to exploit because talking about hiring a staff of unemployed people means there will be a lot of inexperience with the business.
3. I was able to identify this as an opportunity because this is something that I feel is very important and I was already thinking of ways that the United States could help solve its unemployment problem.

2. Economic Opportunity- Retail Store Trend
2a. Found on CNN
b. This is a relatively small opportunity, but an opportunity nonetheless. This one involves retail stores closing. It's no secret that online shopping is the new norm and retail stores are closing or slowing down at a record pace. The opportunity then comes in the idea of combing the store and the online version into something that hasn't been created yet. A merging of worlds in a way.
c. The customers would be a large group because so many people enjoy shopping on the web or in the store. The consumers would be those who enjoy shopping for any product, similar to the Amazon customer.
d. This opportunity would be hard to exploit because nothing like this has been done before along with combing it with an industry that is facing a negative shift and losing business.
3.  I was able to identify this as an opportunity because I used to really like going to retail stores as a kid and always wanted to have my own store. With stores closing it makes that nearly impossible so I had thought of how to save the retail business and came up with the combination plan as the best way.

3. Regulatory Opportunity- Environmental.
2a. Found on CNN
b. This is a regulatory opportunity that has continued to grow with the republican congress. This regulatory change or rather de-regulatory change is coming to the environment. As the government refuses to regulate businesses and companies from hurting the environment, many citizens are outraged and want this. This raises an opportunity of environmentally-friendly alternatives to things that hurt the environment and companies don't want to change.
c. The customers would be the large population of people who care about hurting and preserving the environment. They would be the ones driving this business to succeed as well.
d. The opportunity would be fairly simple to exploit because most items and products can be made in an alternative environmentally-friendly way.
3.  I was able to identify this as an opportunity because I have always been passionate about the environment and don't like how it's currently being treated by our government. I've always tried to come up with ways to help the environment.

4. Regulatory Opportunity- Businesses
2a. Found on Fox News
b. This is a regulatory opportunity because it has to do with the way businesses are regulated by the government. This story is about kids being unable to profit from their lemonade stand because they were not in possession of a permit. This is an opportunity to teach young Americans about the way of the world in regards to starting a business. This could be a class-type opportunity on how to successfully start a business in your area based on your cities' specific laws and ordinances.
c. The customers of this business opportunity would be those who are trying to start a business in their area but worry about getting sued or not being in correct legal standing when they begin things.
d. This opportunity would be extremely useful to many who are trying to start a business but do not know the legal ramifications or procedures to follow in their area, so I feel it would be easy to exploit.
3.  I was able to identify this as an oppurtunity because as a kid I did the exact same thing with my friend. I think it's really an important thing to understand as well in regards to the rule of your city.


  1. Personally, I believe that the easiest way to decrease unemployment rates is through the construction and expansion sector of the local government. Construction typically can employ those who may not have a college degree, thus it is a job that would not limit based on education. Also after buildings and retail shops are built, it could also increase employment in the retail and business sector. Overall, both would boost the economy and create more jobs.

  2. Hey Jacob!
    I was surprised to read that employment is at an 18-year low, this definitely leaves room for opportunity in creating jobs. Not only would this opportunity be appealing to those who enjoy backing companies who seek to do the right thing, it is completely necessary to help recover our economy. As for the lack of environmental regulation, I agree that people are eager to see more environmentally friendly/sustainability promoting products on the market, eventually all companies will have to move in that direction so I think it's best to build a company based off of that principle!
