Friday, June 22, 2018

14A – Halfway Reflection

1. I have developed better time-management skills to keep up with all of the assignments in this course. I think that I have also developed more creativity and open-mindedness when looking at products or possible business opportunities

2. During one of the assignments for interviewing people, I wanted to give up and not to that assignment because it was hard to find specific people that fit the criteria I was looking for in my interviews. However, I decided not to give up and kept pushing through. I feel like I have developed a tenacious attitude over the past few months because I feel like I been more determined to finish my research on the opportunities for my product and determined to try and make it work. I think that trying to go through with this product and look at all of the aspects of it and who would/wouldn't buy it has helped contribute to this attitude.

3. a. Don't ever give up on seeing a product through that you think has a chance to work.
    b. Look at everything as a step-by-step process, not all at once because then it becomes overwhelming.
    c. Picture yourself as the CEO of the company that is making your product and do everything you can to see how you would make it work, this develops the tenacious mindset.

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1 comment:

  1. Hey Jacob!
    I agree that time management is a very important aspect of succeeding in this class. Because most of us juggle multiple responsibilities such as other classes, work, or volunteering, its essential to balance your time out accordingly. I found that reading the assignment descriptions at the beginning of the week helped me better manage my time by scheduling when I would complete each assignment.
