Friday, July 6, 2018

18A – Create a Customer Avatar

My customer avatar is a man or women in the age range of 16-50 who have jobs or are in school and have obligations with these activities that are early in the morning. My customer is probably more of a night owl, they like to go out at night after class or work to take the stress off of the day. They don't usually get home until later so they have a harder time to wake up in the morning. They drive an average car and have an average to above average social life. They care about their jobs or classes a lot but still like to have a good time with their friends. The older range of my customers may not have kids, and if they do they probably have developed an internal alarm clock to wake themselves up. They are into Netflix and probably enjoy binge watching shows deep into the night hours. Drama shows and comedies are their favorites and they don't particularly like sci-fi films. They are realists who want to be productive and contribute to society, they just need a helping hand waking up because they are so productive during the day and into the night. I think that I have a lot in common with my avatar and we experience the same problems and have similar life experiences. I think this is not a coincidence because I came up with this product due to the reason that I had trouble waking up to just my alarm clock in the morning, and many people similar to me do as well.

Image result for young adults in workforce
Google Images.


  1. I know quite a few people who fit your customer avatar, including myself. The students I know who fit into this category usually find it hardest to wake up when they have to complete a responsibility that doesn't seem as important to them. For example, going to the gym very early in the morning or attending a lecture where attendance isn't taken. It is likely that your customer can be unmotivated at times, however, they don't want to feel this way and would like to make a change to their habits.

  2. Jacob,
    I have a lot in common with your customer avatar. Although I am highly productive during the day, I usually end up staying up late after my obligations are over just so that I can enjoy my free time. Because I stay up longer in order to have free time, I often lose sleep and have a hard time waking up. I would personally get a lot of use from your product, although I always end up getting out of bed eventually, it is usually much later than I originally planned.
