Friday, July 27, 2018

27A – Reading Reflection No. 3

The Wright Brothers, David McCullough

1. a. What surprised me the most of the Wright brothers' is their ability to create a product from nothing. Today, many inventions are based on something that has already been created, we are just making it better, but they basically invented something everyone thought was in possible.
    b. I admired their innovation and just pure brain power to create the first ever airplanes. It would be the equivalent of creating a flying car today.
    c. I'm not sure I least admire anything that they have done. The only thing would be that maybe they could've done more with their company then they did.
   d. Many times, the Wright Brothers encountered failure because they were trying to make something that many felt were impossible. They faced adversity, not only through their invention mechanisms but also with others around them.

2. The entrepreneurs exhibited great skills in innovation and creativity. They also had keen engineering skills to be able to create such a machine. Their intelligence and innovation were ahead of their time. The fact that they had this idea is one thing, but then the ability to go out and make it a reality is amazing.

3. It wasn't really confusing especially because we all learned about the Wright brothers in our childhood, so I was able to understand everything that the author was talking about. The mechanisms of the plane are always confusing but that would be the only thing.

4. I would ask: 1. Did you think you would be able to accomplish as much as you did when you had the idea? 2. Where did you develop the motivation to go and make your idea a reality?

5. I think the entrepreneurs' opinion of hard work was something that was necessary for the success of themselves. They probably believe that hard work was essential to their success and was not an optional thing. With as much success as they had, I'm sure they mostly enjoyed working on this invention even though it was obviously hard work.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jacob!
    I read this book for my first reading reflection and found it really interesting as well as inspiring. The amount of times that the wright brothers failed but decided to continue to work towards their vision is amazing. I couldn't imagine how many times they felt like quitting, especially when others doubted them. I think this book teaches a strong lesson about persistence in the face of failure.
