Friday, July 13, 2018

21A – Reading Reflection No. 2

The book that I chose was: How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big, Scott Adams

1. The theme of this book was perseverance. A big point is that failure is not necessarily a bad thing and that it can ultimately give you the ingredients to success. Failure can be a learning experience rather than a negative one and ultimately you can still have success.

2. I think the book tied in perfectly with this class and what we are doing here in ENT 3003. This book relates to the fact that we are currently trying to work on our products and business ideas in this class. Some of us may find failure in our ideas because we don't know how to make it or it has already been done, whatever it may be, we can take it as a learning experience and it will give us the tools needed to succeed.

3. My exercise that I would create in relation to this book would have to do with failure. I would probably have the exercise say to list out all of the failures that you have experienced, minor or major. Once you have listed the failures, list what steps you took after those failures, how did the failures influence you and change the way you may go about something. This way we can see how our failures shape our success.

4. The biggest aha moment that I took away was how valuable failures can be. I think that if you have nothing but few successes you may not realize the greatness that you can achieve if you don't go through failure.

1 comment:

  1. This was the book that I chose to read as well and I just wanted to add that along with perseverance, the author emphasized that we should completely focus on ourselves and be selfish in that manner to get the greater outcome. The general good is something you should keep in mind, but an entrepreneur needs to focus on themselves before others.
