Friday, July 27, 2018

26A – Celebrating Failure

1. Thinking back at this semester, I haven't had too many failures. One could be that I haven't successfully created my product yet, but that doesn't count. I failed many times attempting to do my elevator pitches. It would always take me several pitches until I was able to get it right. I always stumbled over my thoughts in my head and say something out of order, or leave something out.

2. I learned how to properly plan a speech out without having a notecard or something to tell me what to say. I also learned how to present an elevator pitch in a calm and organized way so I don't get frustrated and I say everything I want to say.

3. I think that failure is similar, if not the same thing, as losing- and in that regard, I think about a quote that I read from Nelson Mandela It states that "You either win, or you learn",  and that is essentially what failing is. When we fail, we just eliminate a way of doing something or find a way that something doesn't work. This works to help us find the solution. I think that this class has shown me that failure is inevitable, but it will ultimately be necessary for you to complete the task or goal at hand. I am definitely more likely to take a risk now with a business idea, or a way of doing something, then I was a few months ago.

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