Friday, July 20, 2018

23A – Your Venture’s Unfair Advantage

Resources that I possess and analysis of them:

1. Ability to identify with people
This one is important because it contributes to the idea that I can identify and relate to my potential consumers. This is something that not everyone can do because some people see a need that is only for themselves and not for the masses, but I believe the needs that I come up with are universal ones.
2. Social Capital
Having a good social network is always incredibly important to the success of a business. I believe that I have a strong social core of folks who I can rely on and can help me grow my business endeavors.
3. Innovation/Creativeness
If you're not creative and innovative thinker than it will become very challenging to create new products and businesses. It's all about thinking ahead of the times and into the future, what will be the needs of today and tomorrow, that is how innovation is capitalized.
4. Critical Thinker
Coming up with the product or business idea is one thing, but then taking the next step and developing a plan on how to create and the overall market plan is the important part. For this, you have to be an effective critical thinker, and I believe I am one of the best critical thinkers.
5. Effective Time Manager
Time management is essential to any successful business. This was a skill I have only recently begun to possess. I used to have a lot of great ideas, like many people do, but was not able to develop any of them because I did not have effective time management. However, now I believe that I am an above average time manager.
6. Organizational skills
This goes hand and hand with the critical thinking skills. You can have great ideas and aspirations but if they are all over the place, and your mind is too, then you will never be able to be productive with those thoughts. That is why organization is a unique skill that is key to the success of an idea or business, and I believe my organizational skills are very strong.
7. Communication Skills
Being an effective communicator is an underrated part of having a successful business. Nobody will know what you create or accomplish if you don't get it out there properly and effectively. I am a journalism major so I believe that my communication skills are very solid.
8. Humor skills.
This is another resource that could be used sparsely in the business world but when it is used, it could be the key to being relatable and successful with a fellow business leader or consumers. Keeping the mood light when it is necessary is always a positive.
9. The big picture thought processes-
It is always important to look at things from a broad perspective because that is the ultimate goal. I believe that I harness the ability to look at the big picture of certain product ideas and determine how best to go about creating them,.
10. Confidence
This is a resource that not everyone has and some people have a really hard time possessing it. Sometimes your sheer confidence alone could propel you to the next level in regards to whatever you are doing. I have complete confidence in myself and I believe that one day I will accomplish all that I set out to do.

My top resource is probably my communication skills because I think that the way I choose my words and put them into context may stand above how some people do. I also think that effective communication is critical to a successful business, much more than people think.

1 comment:

  1. Jacob, I admire that you consider yourself as someone with such strong communication skills. This is something that will get you far because it gives you an upper hand when sharing your ideas of any sort. Your critical thinking skills will also help you in successfully executing those ideas.
